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English-Hindi > horse shoe

horse shoe meaning in Hindi

horse shoe sentence in Hindi

नालनुमा डाट
horse    घोड़ा घोड़ा घोड़ी
shoe    जूता नाल रोक नाल
1.The horse shoe shape ( barracks, arsenal ) was completed around 1567.

2.There is also a horse shoe tournament that anyone can participate in.

3."Close " counted in horse shoes, hand grenades and Kings playoff series.

4.The U-shaped handle piece was derived the use of a horse shoe.

5.But Horse Shoe resident Robert Plemmons questioned the timing of the latest newsletter.

6.According to James Rennell Motijhil is a horse shoe shaped lake.

7.A significant number are involved in the manufacture of horse shoes.

8.Behind the rhinophores there is a large horse shoe shaped spot.

9.The naja, which resembles an upside-down horse shoe, completes the design.

10.Horse Shoe resident Ray McKenzie-Wilson accused the board of censorship.

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How to say horse shoe in Hindi and what is the meaning of horse shoe in Hindi? horse shoe Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.